Verlag Dr. Albert Bartens
Founded in 1951, Verlag Dr. Albert Bartens is a publishing house specializing in the technology and economics of the sugar industry. Every month, it issues the journal Sugar industry/Zuckerindustrie, which is read throughout the world. Twice a year, this journal is accompanied by ZSB Buyers Guide, a five-lingual directory of about 200 suppliers. Every year since 1954, we publish a pocket manual Zuckerwirtschaft/Sugar Economy/Economie Sucrière, which now also appears in editions for Poland and the Czech Republic (Cukier y Skrobie), Russia and Ukraine (Sacchar i Krahmal) and the United States (Sugar & Sweetener Economy Europe & North America).
Since 1994 we publish a beet growers journal "Burak Cukrowy" in Poland and since 2008 Sachar y Svekla - half-yearly publication for the Russian-speaking sugar industries.
Additionally, our publication list features technical books for the sugar industry, mostly in English, and we undertake the preparation for printing of compilations and archival materials.
Our roots go back to the independent journal Die Deutsche Zuckerindustrie, founded in 1876 in Berlin, of which Dr Albert Bartens became the editor in 1903. His son-in-law and now his grandson have continued his work since the Second World War and have given the journal and publishing program an international orientation.

Dr. Jürgen Bruhns
Gregor Reiche
Daniel Mosseri
Dr. Philipp Bruhns
Verlag Dr. Albert Bartens KG
Lückhoffstr. 16
14129 Berlin
Tel: + 49 30 804 74 74 10
Fax: + 49 30 804 74 74 23